Developmental Programmes

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:48 AM
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Afghanistan Land Pricing Information System (ALPIS)

The Afghanistan Land Pricing Information System was established in 2018 to determine the minimum land prices of private and state-owned land and property. The aims of this project are; implementation of the national land policy, the collection of land prices and state-owned and private property in lease, mortgage and sale transactions, access to information in the design and implementation of . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:48 AM
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Programme for Registration of Urban Informal Settlement (PRUIS)

The program of registration of Informal urban areas was established on the basis of Article 112 of the Land Settlement Law, aimed at the survey and registration of homes in informal areas, distribution of property documents and the conversion of informal areas to the best urban areas through the implementation of improvement plans and rehabilitation program.

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:51 AM
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State Land Bank Programme

The State Land Bank Programme is designed to survey and record government land and public properties under government use. With the implementation of this national and development plan, goals such as preventing the usurpation of more state land, providing ground for the design and implementation of economic and development plans of the state, realization of infrastructure and public projects, land . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:52 AM
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Institutional Development Programme for Land Administration (IDPL)

Institutional Development Programme for Land Administration (IDPL) is based on the guidance of the President of the country, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, and the tireless efforts of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land in close co-ordination with Turkey, in order to create a modern, transparent and sustainable land-based system based on contemporary technology. The program consists of three main . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:52 AM
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Afghanistan National Stabilization Programme

The Afghanistan National Stabilization Programme has been established with the aim of building the infrastructure of government departments, strengthening local governance and creating job opportunities for the citizens, and so far 281 construction and infrastructure projects have been implemented in 34 provinces of the country.

These projects include construction of 47 provincial administrative . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:53 AM
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State and Public Building Programme

The State and public buildings program of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land is mainly aimed at providing the necessary facilities and better services to the citizens in the implementation of State and public construction projects.

Through this program, 565 projects have been implemented so far, including construction of government offices, health clinics, stadiums, libraries, museums, . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:54 AM
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Darulaman Administrative Complex Programme

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has begun the process of building administrative complexes in the country in order to provide quick, easy, transparent and sustainable services to its citizens. 

Ministry of Urban Development and Land through the Darulaman Administrative Complex Programme, at first step, started the process of building the administrative complex of all Kabul . . .

Tue, Oct 08 2019 10:55 AM
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National Housing Programme

The National Housing Program is one of the most important development plans of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land, which aims to provide affordable housing for its citizens, including low income, middle income and high incomes. With the realization of this program in the long term, suitable housing for teachers, government and retired officials, officers and heirs of martyrs of the country . . .

Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

1 year 3 months ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani