Office of the Minister

The following directorates are reporting directly to the Minister Office:

Directorate of Technical Inspection of Land Management Affairs: The Directorate of Inspection of Land Management Affairs, is working on the new formation of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, under the direct supervision of the Minister Office. Moreover, the Directorate Technical Inspection of Land Management Affairs, is responsible for overseeing and inspection all land affairs in light of the provisions of the Afghanistan Land Regulations Act, is responsible for modernizing and developing the land management system in the country.

Directorate of Supervision and Evaluation: The Directorate of Supervision and Evaluation has been established to implement and fulfill the basic objectives of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land –MUDL, and to enhance transparency and accountability within the Ministry of Urban Development and Land. In order to effectively implement and fulfill goals and strategies of the ministry, effective oversight and evaluation of working areas and staff performance and technical oversight of assigned tasks are at the top of the monitoring and evaluation directorate's activities.

Directorate of Plan and Policy: The aims of the Directorate of Plan and Policy are; planning and arranging strategic and developmental plans which are of national priority for the purpose to implement policies, goals and developmental programmes, management, ensuring relationships and coordination with institutions and ministries for the purpose to provide exact economic and social statistics. Moreover, the tasks of the directorate are arranging and codifying policies considering the need and effective implementation of the projects, exactly supervising the developmental expenditure budget in developmental projects on the ministry level, recognizing the needs and prioritizing projects on the ministry level, preparing urban development and enterprise meetings to discuss related matters.

Directorate of Information and Public Relations: The Directorate of Information and Public Relations is working directly under the office of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, which has responsibilities in the areas of managing and supervising news releases concerned about the activities of the ministry, arranging awareness about governance, policies, working performance, the achievements of the ministry’s throughout the country from different channels, assuring the preparation and arrangement of video claps, pictures and reports in national and international print and electronic media. Moreover, in the sideline the directorate performs preparing press meetings, conducts interviews and hold discussions related to the urban sector.

Chief of Staff: The Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL works under the direct control of the office of the ministry, has the responsibility to supervise and manage administrative affairs, implementing orders, commandments, approvals, manuals, bills and regulations are in place to ensure communication between the departments inside and outside the ministry for better coherence. Moreover, organizing, according to the regulations of managing activities and performance guiding and advancing related matters, communicate commands and rules of the Office of Chief of Staff to the President, approvals of the cabinet meetings and ministerial council and the guidance of the ministry office for the purpose of awareness and desirable performance by the relevant departments, are other tasks of the office.

Directorate of External Relations: The Directorate of External Relations of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has been newly formed, which is directly working under minister office. Moreover, the directorate has the responsibility to secure relationships with foundations, foreign associations and other departments and agencies for technical and financial assistance in the fields of urban development and land management, in order to make good and effective use of the successful experiences in the areas concerned and provide travel facilities for the minister staff to attend conferences, seminars and other formal issues.

Directorate of Provincial Coordination: Ensuring relationship with provincial offices to strengthen coordination, including reporting on provincial urban planning and land administration activities, and setting up provincial reports are part of the working areas of the directorate. Moreover, compelling and providing working plans of the provincial directorates of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, and presenting them with the aim of obtaining the approval of the leadership of the ministry and obtaining orders from the Minister Office to meet the needs of the departments, are among other duties of the department.

Directorate of Evaluation: The Directorate of Evaluation is one of the sub-divisions of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL. However, evaluating the functions of all central and provincial departments of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land, ensuring transparency in the execution of tasks aimed at providing timely and standard services to the citizens are among the main tasks of this directorate.

Directorate of Development Programmes: After the amalgamation of the Department of Land and the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing under the name of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has created the Directorate of Development Programmes which is working under the office of the minister. However, on the implementation of developmental plans, the responsibilities of the directorate are, planning and arranging developmental programmes of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land throughout the country, following the orders and directions of the Office of Chief of Staff for the President and the head office of the minister.

General Directorate of Urban Development and Land: In addition to existing directorates of urban development and land at the provincial level, the general directorates of urban development and land have been established as new departments, in the structure of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, which will be set up at eight zone country level and commence operation. Moreover, establishment of a favorable urban system, cities and towns, based on the principles of sustainable development, design, implementation and monitoring of urban development plans, provide the necessary conditions for all citizens at the provincial level to access basic infrastructure services and provide social welfare, housing and shelter are one of the major tasks of these departments in urban development. Meanwhile, cadaster survey, land clearance, property rights consolidation, valuation, pricing and land acquisition, property dispute resolution, state-owned land reclamation, land lease and land transfer have been the major tasks of the urban development and land, which has enabled effective use of government land, accelerated implementation of public benefit projects, growth of the private sector, increased government revenue and job opportunities for citizens across the country.

Engineering and Architectural System Development Authority of Afghanistan: Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, based on decree phase 3 law of the ministry has created the Engineering and Architectural System Development Authority of Afghanistan, which is directly working under the supervision of Minister Office. Moreover, the office based on the Urban Development and Engineering principles, issues license, develops plans to grow and expand culture and national interests in urban development sector, and establishes relationship between provider of urban planning, construction activities, and applicants of these services and promotes urban planning, engineering principles and standards.

Engineering and Urban Violation Handling Office: The Engineering and Urban Violation Handling Office is operating directly under the Minister Office of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL. The office is performing to design and plan the policies of tackling urban and engineering abuses throughout the country, supervise the implementation of these policies by municipalities, reaching a desirable urban condition and regulating construction affairs.

Technical and Legal Advisory: The Technical and legal Advisory works in the field of technical and legal advising at the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL. However, the advisory works on legal and governance documents, drafting laws, regulations, procedures and other steps in governing documents, formulating governance guidelines, and imposing official guidance on legal matters.


Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

11 months ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani