DM of Land Management Affairs

The Deputy Ministry of Land Management Affairs of Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL is consists of 3 general directorates, 12 directorates, 1 department and a secretariat and the general directorates are the following:

General Directorate of Geodesy, Cadaster and Deed: The General Directorate of Geodesy, Cadaster and Deed of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL is responsible to establish geodesy network, making of calendar, preparing the exist information of controlled land and maps of the grand topography for implementation of public projects and providing that to the customers, registering and implementing the deeds, cadaster survey, distributing occupancy certificates to  informal houses, registering the information of land management, modernization process and the borderline with Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China. Moreover, the directorate of geodesy and marking, photogrammetry directory, directorate of survey and cadaster, directorate of implementation and deeds registration, directorate of meta-data and providing services to customers, directorate of arranging land management information and directorate of registering the informal urban areas are working under the framework of this directorate.

General Directorate of Acquisition and Resettlement: The General Directorate of Acquisition and Resettlement aims to handle front challenges in the implementation of national and public projects, ownership consolidation of land and properties along the way of the projects, property pricing, resettlement, state-owned land and private properties clearance, transferring state land to applicant institutions and strengthening coordination between the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, and other state institutions in implementing public project, eliminating challenges, follow up and applying the rules, guidance and instructions. Moreover, the general directorate is arranging and distributing land, acquisition and pricing land, resettlement directorate, directorate of land clearing for public projects, public projects arrangement directorate, are working within the framework of the General Directorate of Acquisition and Resettlement.

General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Affairs: The Scientific and Technical Affairs is one of the General Directorates of the Deputy Ministry of Land Management Affairs of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has the responsibilities of preparing, arranging and print topographical, economic, political, geological, touristic, agricultural, demographical and thematic maps with better quality and differentiation, capacity building and training of technical staff of the urban development and land, issuing survey and assessment experts license, photographing the country’s land from the air, defining borders between provinces, districts, villages and police districts. Moreover, the directorate of cartography, technical department of urban development and land, secretary board of certifying the surveyors and assessment experts and the department of introducing technology are working under the framework of this directorate.

Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

9 months 1 week ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani