Procurement of Servers and Installation of 9 OC offices

ناپیژنده (not verified)

Publish Date

Closing Date

Location kabul

Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: TF-0A9598

Project ID-P164762

RFB Reference No.: ALASP/G-25

1.The Afghanistan Land Administration System Project (ALASP) of MUDL has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the IDA and ARFT and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Procurement of Servers and Installation of 9 OC offices.

2.The Afghanistan Land Administration System Project of MUDL now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Procurement of Servers and Installation of 9 OC offices.

3.Bidding will be conducted through National competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” Revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4.Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Urban Development, Afghanistan Land Administration System Project, Mr. Naseeb Arman Copy to, , and  and inspect the bidding documents during office hours 08:00 to 16:00 hours at the address given below at the end of this RFB.

5.The bidding document in English will be available for download at the NPA’s website: or hard/soft copy of the bid documents can be collected by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below. The bidder shall quote only in USD or Afghani. The bids received in any other freely convertible currency will be converted to Afghani as per rate of exchange (selling rate) published by the Da Afghanistan Bank based on rate of exchange (Transfer Selling rate) prevailing on the date of bid closing and contract (payment) will be concluded in Afghani. The document will be sent as well by email upon a scanned signed application.

6. Bids must be delivered to the address below at the end of this RFB on or before 10:00 AM July 09, 2020. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below at the end of this RFB on July 09, 2020 at 10:00 AM.

7. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security for an amount of 4500 USD (Four thousand five hundred) or equivalent amount in Afghani

8.The address(es) referred to above is (are):

Address: 2st floor, Ministry of Urban Development and Land

Kabul, Afghanistan

City: Kabul

Country: Afghanistan

Attention: Naseeb Arman

Telephone: +93 (0) 780 797 072

Electronic mail address:   copy to,,


 Procurement of Servers and Installation of 9 OC offices

ښاغلی مولوي حمدالله نعماني


۱ کال 3 میاشتې ago

د خپل خدای، مسلمان ملت او هېواد پر وړاندې ځان مسئول ګڼو اوخپله دنده ګڼو چې د ښاري پراختیا، اقتصادي او ټولنیزې ودې او چاپېریال ساتنې ته کار وکړو.
ژمن یوو او هڅې مو پیل کړي چې د ښار جوړولو او ځمکو وزارت په یو خدماتي او ځواب ویونکي وزارت بدل کړو چې تل به د ابادۍ او ټولګټو پروژو د پلې کولو لپاره کار کوي او دغه برخه کې به روڼتیا، هڅونې او کارموندنې ته زمینه برابره کړو.

د کور او ښار جوړولو وزارت سرپرست

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امارت اسلامی افغانستان

وزارت شهر سازی و مسکن

معینیت مالی و اداری

ریاست تدارکات

دعوت به داوطلبی

عنوان: تهیه و تدارک گاز مایع برای ربع چهارم سال مالی 1403

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