Over 250,000 Jeribs of State Land Registered in Bamyan

In proceed of State Land Bank, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, has registered 250,439 jeribs (50,087.8 hectares) of state land and properties divided into 213 portions throughout central Bayman province.
Out of the total; 78,694 jeribs (15,738.8 hectares) are public properties under state institutions use and the remaining 171,790 jeribs (34,358 hectares) of state land is yet to be used.
Moreover, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land has so far surveyed, mapped, and registered 7,120,787 jeribs (1,424,157.4 hectares) of state land and properties divided into 7,110 portions in order to facilitate the implementation of government economic and development plans in 32 provinces of the country.