Over 146,100 Jeribs of Pasture Registered in Badakhshan

In proceed of surveying, lining and registering pastures, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, has registered 146,112 jeribs (29,222.4 hectares) of pasture throughout northeastern Badakhshan province.
Moreover, since the inception of the process, the MUDL has so far registered about 3,000,000 jeribs (600,000 hectares) of pasture in 28 provinces of the country.
Furthermore, with the implementation of the surveying, lining and registering of pastures, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land, creates the necessary conditions for optimal use of public and private pastures as the national wealth of the Afghan people, and creates favorable conditions for economic and livestock growth and self-sufficiency, which will fundamentally change lives of the people.