Construction Work of Two Projects Continues in Badakhshan

The Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has completed 26 percent construction work of Soch religious school in Jaram district of Badakhshan province. In addition, 15 percent construction work of Nashi-o-Qalat high school also completed in Faizabad district of the province.
Moreover, the religious school is being constructed on 589 square meters of land in two floors at a total cost 24,700,000 AFG, likewise, the high school is being constructed on 420 square meters of land in two floors at a total cost 21,900,000 AFG, funding from the developmental budget of the Ministry of Finance.
In addition, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land in recent three years has started 1,030 construction projects in the country. Out of the total; 150 projects have been completed, 400 others are under implementation process and the remaining projects are in survey design and procurement phases.