Wed, Jan 27 2021 12:01 PM
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Two Jeribs of State Land Transferred in Kabul

In proceed of transferring state land to the applicant institutions, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has transferred 2 jeribs (0,4 hectares) of state land in Chahar. . .

Mon, Jan 18 2021 12:11 PM
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Over 307,000 Jeribs of State Land Registered in Kabul

In proceed of the State Land Bank Programme, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has registered 307,523 jeribs (61,504.6 hectares) of state-owned land and properties. . .

Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

7 months 1 week ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani