H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar Approved Two Urban Developmental Plans for Kunduz City

Anonymous (not verified)
Wed, Dec 25 2019 2:59 PM

H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar, Acting Minister of Urban Development and Land – MUDL in a meeting with Mr. Abdul Jabar Naeemi, governor of Kunduz, members of parliament and elders, exchanged views on a range of developmental programmes in the province.

Initially, the governor of Kunduz while acknowledging the tireless efforts of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land in handling the urban and land management affairs, demanded the transferring of land for public projects in the province.

Subsequently, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar said, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land has submitted a total 65 jeribs (13 hectares) of land proposal to the cabinet for approval. The land is transferring for the directorate of Appellate Court, Religious Madrasa in Dasht-e-Archi district, construction of economics building and provincial jail, which will be transferred very soon.

Moreover, the acting minister, keeping in view the need for the implementation of developmental projects, gave the right to use and allowed to work on the provincial guesthouse building, fixed designed mosque and other related projects in the province.

Furthermore, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar mentioned that Kunduz city has been included in strategic urban development programme and vision will be created that will be implemented in the cooperation with Sasaki American Company.

In addition, H.E tasked the relevant departments to consider the plan of use of land in and out of the city in the strategic urban development plan.

Similarly, the acting minister of Urban Development and Land called, the survey and registration of 200,000 jeribs (40,000 hectares) of state-owned land is a good news for the people of the province and specified that the consolidation and survey of the state land will pave way to attract private sector’s investment.

In the meantime, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar tasked the Directorate of Urban Development and Land of Kunduz to prepare a plan for attracting private sector’s investment in the province.

Meanwhile, members of parliament and elders of the province, while appreciating the tireless efforts of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land promised to cooperate in dealing with the affairs of developmental projects.

At the end, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar approved the strategic urban development plan for Kunduz and a comprehensive plan of 3,000 residential units, however, consigned it to the local authorities.

However, based on the Strategic Urban Development Plan, while developing new roads, widen constructed roads, implementation of reconstruction programmes, green areas, construction of four transportation terminals in the four corners of the city and the development pathway of the city has been assigned to the north of the city.

Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

7 months 1 week ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani

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