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Tue, Nov 03 2020 9:12 AM
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Over 705,394 Jeribs of Pasture Registered in Farah

In proceed of surveying, lining and registering pastures, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, has registered 705,394 jeribs (141,078.8 hectares) of pasture throughout. . .

Mon, Nov 02 2020 9:22 AM
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Construction Work of Engineering Faculty Completed in Helmand

The Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has completed the construction work of Engineering Faculty in Lashkar Gah the provincial capital of southern Helmand province.

Moreove. . .

Mon, Nov 02 2020 9:19 AM
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Over 184,400 Jeribs of Pasture Registered in Samangan

In proceed of surveying, lining and registering pasture, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has registered 184,426 jeribs (36,885.2 hectares) of pasture throughout. . .

Mon, Nov 02 2020 9:12 AM
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Over 291,200 Jeribs of State Land Registered in Kandahar

In proceed of State Land Bank Programme, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has registered 291,235 jeribs (58,247 hectares) of state-owned land and public properties. . .

Sun, Nov 01 2020 9:17 AM
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1 Jerib of State Land Transferred in Kabul

The Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has transferred 1 jerib of land to the Independent Directorate of Local Governance in order to construct a school in Deh Sabz district. . .

Sun, Nov 01 2020 9:14 AM
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Over 45,200 Jeribs of Pasture Registered in Takhar

In proceed of surveying, lining and registering pastures, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has registered 45,288 jeribs (9,057.6 hectares) of pasture throughout. . .

Sun, Nov 01 2020 9:11 AM
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Over 271,500 Jeribs of State Land Registered in Paktika

In proceed of State Land Bank Programme, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has registered 271,503 jeribs (54,300.6 hectares) of state-owned land and public properties. . .

Sat, Oct 31 2020 9:43 AM
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Over 800 Jeribs of Land Cleared in Farah

In accordance with Decree No. (2664) dated 9/26/1398 of the Office of Chief of Staff to President, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land - MUDL has cleared 855.55 jeribs (171.11. . .

Sat, Oct 31 2020 9:20 AM
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Over 135,900 Jeribs of Land Registered in Maidan Wardak

In proceed of State Land Bank, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL, has registered 135,910 jeribs of state-owned land and public properties under state institutions use in. . .


Acting Minister of Urban Development and Housing

7 months 2 weeks ago

We hold ourselves accountable to our God, the Muslim nation and our country, and we consider it our duty to work for urban development, economic and social development and environmental protection. We are committed and have begun our efforts to transform the Ministry of Urban Development and Land into a service and responsive ministry that will always work for the implementation of development and welfare projects and provide transparency, incentives and employment opportunities in this area.

Mr. Hamdullah Nomani