H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar Approves 7 Comprehensive and Strategic Plans for Kandahar

Anonymous (not verified)
سه‌شنبه ۱۳۹۸/۱۰/۱۰ - ۱۱:۵۶

H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar, Acting Minister of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has approved 7 comprehensive and strategic plans in the presence of Mr. Hayatullah Hayat, Governor of Kandahar and parliament members of the province.

The first comprehensive plan is for industrial park of Daman district, prepared by the ministry, building on 1,117 jeribs (223.4 hectares) of land which consists 288 plats and 8 commercial blocks.

Moreover, the second plan is for the township of the martyrs’ families of security and defense forces in Zerai district that going to be built on 2,112 jeribs (422.4 hectares), which has been designed of having the capacity of 2,800 plots, 42 residential and 97 commercial blocks.

Subsequently, a comprehensive plan of Ghazi Abdullah Khan Township has also been approved building on 454 jeribs (90.8 hectares) of land. Based on the plan the township has 940 plots and 13 residential and 8 commercial blocks.

In the meantime, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar approved the comprehensive plan of Ghazi Amanullah Township that is building on 407 jeribs (81.4 hectares) of land, which consists of 1,050 plots, 20 residential and 4 commercial blocks.

In addition, the detailed plan of Hamidi Meenay Township has also been approved that is building on 367 jeribs (73.4 hectares) of land which consists of 455 residential plots.

Besides this, H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar approved 2 strategic development plans for Zerai and Arghandab districts and handed over for implementation to the relevant departments of the province.

It is worth mentioning that the mentioned 5 comprehensive plans in total encompass 4,458 jeribs (891.6 hectares) of land that are comprised of 5,533 plots, 75 residential and 117 commercial blocks and not only it will provide job opportunities for estimated 7,800 people, but will increase the national budget estimated 3,742,000 AFN annually.

The Acting Minister of Urban Development and Land demanded the governor of Kandahar to prepare a procedure for the transparent distribution of the residential plots and units.

At the end, the governor of Kandahar, Mr. Hayatullah Hayat appreciated H.E Mohammad Jawad Peikar, Acting minister of Urban Development and Land for the approval of the 5 plans.

سرپرست وزارت شهرسازی و مسکن

1 year ago

ما خود را در برابر خدای خود، ملت مسلمان و کشورمان مسئول می دانیم و وظیفه خود می دانیم برای توسعه شهری، توسعه اقتصادی و اجتماعی و حفظ محیط زیست تلاش کنیم. ما متعهد هستیم و تلاش های خود را برای تبدیل وزارت شهرسازی و اراضی به یک وزارتخانه خدماتی و پاسخگو آغاز کرده ایم که همواره در راستای اجرای پروژه های عمرانی و رفاهی و ایجاد شفافیت، مشوق ها و فرصت های شغلی در این زمینه تلاش خواهد کرد.

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۸/۱۷ - ۱۳:۲۴
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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۸/۱۷ - ۱۲:۳۴
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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۸/۱۷ - ۱۱:۳۰
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