Over 600 Jeribs of Land Cleared in Kabul
The Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has cleared up 602 jeribs (120.4 hectares) of land in capital Kabul city.
Out of the total; 601 jeribs (120.2 hectares) are private property and the remaining 1 jerib has been consolidate as state land that situates in Lalandar district of Chahar Asyab Kabul, which has been cleared to implement the project of Lalandar Dam reservoir.
Moreover, the cleared land in Kabul has reached to 1,582 jeribs (316.4 hectares), out of the total; 1,093 jeribs (218.6 hectares) are state land and the remaining 489 jeribs are consolidated as private property.
In addition, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land has so far cleared 1,200,000 jeribs (240,000 hectares) of land for the purpose of distinguishing between state and private land, resolving property disputes and facilitating the implementation of public projects.