Construction Work of Two Health Projects Underway in Daikundi

The Ministry of Urban Development and Land – MUDL has completed 35 percent construction work of Askan 30 Beds Hospital in Miramor district and has completed 70 percent construction work of Administrative Building of Tagab 50 Beds Hospital in the same district of central Daikundi.
Moreover, the 30 Beds Hospital is being constructed on 1,800 square meters of land in two floors at a cost of about 44,000,000 AFN and the Administrative Building of 50 Beds Hospital is being constructed on 1,983 square meters of land in three floors at a cost of about 83,500,000 AFN funded by the developmental budget of Ministry Public Health.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Urban Development and Land, has pretty much achievements in constructing Health Clinics, Governmental Offices, Sports Grounds, Museum, Libraries, Kindergarten, Mosques and Educational Places throughout the country.